Luis Cruz Azaceta: Dictators, Terrorism, War and Exiles

Consisting of twenty-nine works the exhibition and catalog explore Cruz Azaceta’s most constant themes ranging from 1980 to the present. The works document his commitment to analyzing the political struggles of the human condition.

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  • Ciudad: Newark
  • Fechas: 23/01/2014 - 26/04/2014

From the very start, the subjects of dictators, terrorism, war and exile have been constant in his work and the artist’s identification with these stem from his early experience of the Cuban revolution, his exile and life among working class Latino communities. even as his stylistic vocabulary has renewed itself over the past three and a half decades with constant formal challenges, his commitment to these difficult subjects has not wavered. 

The executive director and trustees of Aljira cordially invite you to attend a reception in honor of Luis Cruz Azaceta. January 23, 2014, 6–9 pm:

  • Reception and gallery walk with curator, Alejandro Anreus, Phd.
  • Catalog signing by the curator and artist

Bending the grid, an ongoing series

Aljira’s series of exhibitions, Bending the grid, examines the production of outstanding artists chosen from among accomplished, yet underrecognized national and international practitioners. While often grounded in rational, modernist principles, each artist presented finds personal ways to adapt or circumvent traditional, or rigid aspects of formalism.

591 Broad Street, Newark, NJ 07102-4403
p. 973 622-1600 f. 973 622-6526

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